Misconceptions About Neoprene Seat Covers

Misconceptions About Neoprene Seat Covers

When you’re in the market for a new set of high-quality seat covers, you may encounter neoprene as one of your options for seat cover materials. Consumers have a few concerns when they see seat covers made from the same material as wetsuits, so it’s important to know the truth before you toss out the idea of buying neoprene covers. By breaking down these common misconceptions about neoprene seat covers, you’ll have the ability to make a well-informed decision on your new truck seat protectors.

Misconception Number One: Neoprene Seat Covers Have an Overpowering Smell

Because neoprene is a foam rubber product, you might expect it to have an overpowering odor while the covers are in your vehicle. While there may be a slight smell, it won’t be anything too harsh. Just like your car may have a “new car smell,” when you first buy it, high-quality neoprene seat covers have a “new seat cover smell.” The slight odor of rubber isn’t that strong and will dissipate soon after you start using the covers.

However, low-quality neoprene seat covers that use a cheaper neoprene mixture may have a stronger chemical smell. Avoid untrustworthy seat cover manufacturers that offer lower quality goods at bargain prices, and you’ll avoid a seat cover with a strong odor.

Misconception Number Two: Neoprene Holds in Bad Smells and Is Difficult To Clean

Much like any other fabric you own, neoprene can retain odors if you don’t wash it regularly. While you may not be able to throw it in the washing machine or the dryer, washing neoprene isn’t that difficult.

Take the seat covers off your seats to give them a deep clean, or leave them on for a quick clean. You can clean the seat covers with a gentle shampoo—for example, baby shampoo works fine. You could also find a wetsuit-specific detergent and use that instead. Mix the soap into a bucket of warm water and use a cloth to gently scrub the mixture into the neoprene. Rinse the covers off with clean water and let them air dry completely before replacing them on your vehicle’s seats.

Misconception Number Three: All Neoprene Seat Covers Are UV Resistant

Neoprene by itself doesn’t have much resilience against fading from the sun. Without any added protection, neoprene seat covers may only last for one to two summers—or about 100 hours—of direct bright sunlight. However, high-quality seat cover manufacturers add extra UV protection onto their neoprene that allows for 1,000 or more hours of use before fading.

At Fia, we put care into the creation of all our custom neoprene seat covers. Our neoprene is not only waterproof but also protected with a water-resistant outer shell for your peace of mind. Don’t let the misconceptions about neoprene seat covers steer you away from a high-end product—protect your truck’s seats with Fia’s series of sleek Neo™ seat covers!

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